Connecting With Our Subconsciousness

There is a whole new world out there yet to be explored

Kyle Jung
2 min readJul 18, 2021
Image by @calimanoi from Unsplash

Just imagine this, what if the world that we live in is not real?

What if we’re like the sleeping people in the movie Matrix. The sleepers think the dream is their reality, seeing cars, buildings, gadgets which they can touch and feel as if they are real. They do not doubt their reality a single bit.

But we obviously know as someone watching from the screen they are blind. It’s interesting to ponder upon the idea that there is no evidence that we’re not in one of these simulations ourselves.

What if we are still yet to be woken up? What if an external force like the aliens in Matrix is keeping us from waking up?

I know that’s probably a far-fetched idea, but there is a point that I’m trying to make. When I have one of those aha-moments realizing something about myself it feels like a lightbulb has been lit in a dark place inside of me, hopefully, you resonate too. I believe there is an awakening associated with that.

For example, where do we get the thoughts that make us feel miserable because we aren’t perfect? That we aren’t as good-looking, or as successful as we should be? Rich celebrities with a perfect appearance on TV and social media right? Where people…



Kyle Jung

Software Engineer who aims to make the world a better place by helping people discover their potential