Who is Jesus?

Kyle Jung
2 min readJan 15, 2022

This is my personal encounter with Jesus.

Jesus Christ — is a figure that everybody on the planet knows about. Most of us know him as a Christian God, some of us know him as a figure who taught wise teachings, and basically, everyone has their own interpretation of Jesus Christ.

But when you encounter him on a personal level, you realize that he isn’t just a static figure who just exists in the Bible, or in some paintings or old sculptures, but that he is actually alive, and someone who you can talk to like you would to your friend.

You can’t see him, since he exists in spirit, and you know that he is there because he is constantly speaking to you in spirit. In the midst of our busy daily routine, he speaks within your heart in a small still voice. This voice is so small that you have to pay attention and focus on him to listen.

Lots and lots of thoughts cloud my mind and heart as I go through the day. Some of these thoughts pressure me, cause anxiety and fear, some amuse, and some entertain, and if we don’t spend time focusing on Jesus, these thoughts become dominant and it becomes harder and harder to hear him until his voice is completely muted.

Our mind seems to drift towards the thoughts that we meditate on. If we meditate on a person we like, they fill our thoughts and cloud our minds. They essentially become our idol, but the more we intentionally put our focus on Jesus, the more we will hear his loving voice and hear what he has to say to us.

Obviously, it’s not easy to listen to him at first, since we can be easily confused with our thoughts with God. We can easily fall into the temptation of thinking what we want for our personal pleasures is from God, so our thoughts must always be aligned with the scripture because God never says anything that goes against the words.

So we must fill our hearts with his words, to discern if we’re hearing him or if we’re hearing our own thoughts.



Kyle Jung

Software Engineer who aims to make the world a better place by helping people discover their potential